La Resilienza Dinanimista...


TransVision 2010 è un evento transumanista globale, organizzato da varie organizzazioni e gruppi transumanisti coordinati dall’ Associazione Italiana Transumanisti (AIT) con la collaborazione di un gruppo di esperti. L’ evento avrà luogo il 22, 23 e 24 Ottobre 2010 a Milano, con varie possibilità di accesso remoto online.

Mentre Transvision 2010 non è organizzato da o collegato a Humanity+ (precedentemente nota come WTA), responsabile della maggior parte dei precedenti eventi Transvision, ringraziamo la direzione di Humanity+ per aver permesso l’ uso del nome.

TransVision 2010 sarà un’ intenso, rapido e appassionante percorso nel pensiero transumanista contemporaneo , attività in corso, tecnologia e grandi visioni cosmiche, con oltre 40 interventi distribuiti su tre giorni.  Unisciti a  noi per esplorare le tendenze scientifiche, tecnologiche, culturali, artistiche e sociali che promettono di cambiare il nostro mondo al di là di ogni aspettativa e potrebbero risultare in una singolarità in solo poche decine di anni.

TransVision 2010: New confirmed speakers

The following speakers will give talks at TransVision 2010, which brings the number of confirmed speakers to 24. Other speakers will be announced in a few days.

Roberto Guerra: writer and video poet. His published works include, among other writings, “Marinetti e il Duemila” (in AA.VV. “Divenire 3 Futurismo” edited by AIT, 2009, Sestante Edizioni) and  “Moana Lisa Cyberpunk” (Edizioni Diversa Sintonia, 2010). He participated in “The Scientist International Videoart Festival” organized by Ferrara Video&Arte. In 2009 he organized, with Graziano Cecchini “Futurismo 100 live”, dedicated to 100 years of Futurism. Since 2010 he is the coordinator of the Laboratory of Futurist Literature of AIT (Italian Transhumanist Association).


Alex Lightman is the Executive Director of Humanity+ (formerly the World Transhumanist Association), author of over 800,000 words mainly about science, technology, science fiction, and the future including Brave New Unwired World: The Digital Big Bang and the Infinite Internet. He is a graduate of MIT and attended graduate school at MIT and Harvard. He completed Army Airborne paratrooper training, Navy Cold Weather Survival School, and over 25 road races including six marathons in the last 18 months. He got support from 40 countries for his government policy recommendations for IPv6.

Marta Rossi graduated (B.A.) in Philosophy of Mind and Languages from San Raffaele University (Milan) with a dissertation on self-reference. She received her M.A. from the same institution with a final dissertation on the ontology of functionalism and its consequences in ethics and social theory. Her research are focused on mind-body relations, philosophical and scientific accounts of consciousness and the link between Singularity and social changes. Currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences, she has been working @ iLabs since 2006, where she is Strategic Partnership Manager, leading the management of projects in ethics, social and political theory.

Jacopo Tagliabue graduated (B.A.) in Philosophy of Mind and Languages from San Raffaele University (Milan) with a dissertation on formal ontology. He received his M.A. from the same institution with a final dissertation on scientific explanations in complex systems. He studied microeconomics, statistics and complexity theory in renowned international institutions (London School of Economics, New York University, Santa Fe Institute) and he is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences. He has been working @ iLabs since 2006, where he is now Chief Scientist for Qualitative Modelling.

Francesco Verso is an Italian SF writer (tough he defines his genre as “future fiction” from a definition of Anthony Burgess for A Clockwork Orange). He follows transhumanism since many years because its themes are strictly connected to the ones of his novels. Books: Antidoti umani – (Human Antidotes) – short-listed for the Urania Mondadori 2004 Award, deals with human augmentation & sensorial prosthetis. e-Doll – winner of the Urania Mondadori 2008 Award – is about the relationship between Maya, a moscow teenager, and Angel, an highly sofisticated replicant  who is employed in the business of sex. The novel talks about the birth of consciousness and analyses aspects of human sexuality.

ANCHE FERRARA IN TRANSVISION 2010ultima modifica: 2010-08-07T12:09:00+02:00da
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